Knoxville Area Korean Association & Vet to Vet TN hosts Korean Vets Reunion

June 24, 2017 Knoxville, Tennessee It has been 64 years since the Korean War ended with a cease-fire. For years, Korean War Army Veteran Rex Davis organized a reunion luncheon. Rex died on May 22, 2017. After he died, the Knoxville Area Korean Association decided to take over the luncheon and asked for support from…


Trump Signs Bill to restore trust in VA

June 23, 2017 President Trump signed a bill into law on Friday that will make it easier for the Department of Veterans Affairs to remove bad employees and promote whistle-blowing. It is the first step toward fulfilling a campaign pledge by Mr. Trump to make sweeping changes at the beleaguered agency. The long-sought legislation, called…


VA Primary Care Patient Information Booklet Available NOW!

June 22, 2017 Knoxville, Tennessee The Mountain Home VAMC and all of their clinic now have a primary care patient information booklet available to all veterans.  The booklets are being distributed during the orientation for new veterans, however, very few current veterans were aware of the booklet until Freddie Owens discovered the booklet from his …


V2VT Partners with Celebrate Recovery Community

June 12, 2017 Sweetwater, Tennessee Celebrate Recovery Community (CRC), which is free and open to the public, kicked off on June 12th at First Baptist Church Sweetwater. CRC offers weekly services to support people with emotional struggles, relational issues, addictions, or any thoughts and behaviors that interfere with a joyful life. Celebrate Recovery (CR) is…
