1st Roane County Veterans Court Graduate

September 12, 2016, Roane County, Tennessee This morning Brian Dunn, Roane County VSO, Holly Miller, 9th Judicial District DUI Coordinator, 9th Judicial District ADA Joe Caldwell, 9th Judicial District Veterans Court Mentor Coordinator Ed Junod and our justice involved Marine veteran, Zach Bishop met in the Roane County Courthouse.  After successfully completing the Helen Ross McNabb Military Services…

TVBA 2016 Business & Education Expo

The Tennessee Veterans Business Association’s 6th Annual Business & Education Expo will be held on January 25th and 26th, 2016.  The Knoxville Regional Veterans Mental Health Council, Vet to Vet Tennessee and Legacy Peer Support Group are proud volunteer sponsors and participants for 4 out of the 6 Expo.  It is a great event that…

Veteran Friendly Congregations move to the Military Chaplains Association

                        On December 4, 2015 we received the below announcement from MCA’s Executive Director Chaplain Lyman Smith. CareForTheTroops (CFTT) has provided information and services to assist faith communities and ministries to develop veteran friendly work for more than eight years.  Regrettably the time has…