New Veterans “Repairs for Heroes”© pilot program in Blount County TN

October 12, 2017.  V2VT announced their new collaborative veterans housing program with Blount County Habitat for Humanity (BHfH) and Maryville AMVETS Post 22 (Post).  “Repairs for Heroes”; repairs veterans/military mind, body, spirit and home. From concept to execution, the program and its 1st project took 30 days to complete! [read more=”Click here to Read More”…

Remember to Get Your Flu Shot!

It’s flu season again. This year, the Department of Veterans Affairs has made getting your flu shot easy. Enrolled Veteran patients can enjoy more options, easier access and seamless records, as the VA has partnered with retail pharmacies to offer Veterans their annual flu shot. These partnerships offer flexibility in time and location. [read more=”Click…

Caring can save a life?!

September 28, 2017  Louisville, Tennessee September 28th was a memorable day for us.  Thanks to training of TSPN Eastern Tennessee Suicide Prevention Coordinator Amy Dolinky, one of the techniques she taught us in December 2015 may have saved a life.  We were taught to ask an attendee who is leaving the session to give a…