New Castle, Pennsylvania.
Vet to Vet Tennessee (VTVT) received a few emails from Gene Kanary, son of US Army Korean War Veteran George Kanary thanking VTVT for helping his family obtain the Republic of South Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal. Below are a few comments from Gene.
“Sadly my father has been gone for 28 years now. I have been investigating his time in Korea and that is how I happened across the mentioning of this medal. Talking to others that have applied for this medal, some have been waiting over a year, so not sure what the delay is through other sources, but yours is top notch, even if I was a little lucky. You might notice an increase in requests with all the recommendations for your organization I have made. Once again thanks for your help and I did happen to notice your donation link and made a donation to your organization. Keep up the good work!” Gene R. Kanary [read more=”Click here to Read More” less=”Read Less“]
“I just wanted to let you know that I received my father’s medal today and have attached some photos. I also wanted to let you know how impressed I am with the quick turnaround time. I have seen a lot of folks complaining about waiting over a year and hearing nothing. I have given them the link to your site along with my compliments to your organization.
It does mean a lot, knowing the people of South Korea have not forgotten the sacrifices of our young men. Thanks”, Gene R. Kanary
VTVT has previously encountered some long delays in 2017. With the support of Tennessee US Senator Lamar Alexander’s staff and the partnership between VTVT and the Republic of South Korean Washington DC Embassy,
The applications are processed immediately upon receipt and submitted to the Mr. Soo Ha at the Korean Embassy. Mr. Ha distributes the medals quarterly.
If you have any questions or comments about the application requirements please click here or call us at 865-336-2624. [/read]