September is Suicide Prevention Month Join the # Power of 1Movement

To someone going through a difficult time, one simple act has the power to make a difference. Reach out to the Veterans and Service members in your life today – let them know they’re not alone. Play video. Reminder to listen to The Veteran Next Door for a special edition about Veteran suicide hosted by…

Council’s Accomplishments since partnering with VISN 9 Leadership

First meeting with VISN 9 Network Director John Patrick, Dr. Farina-Morin and Joseph Shoeck and the Knoxville Regional Veterans Mental Health Council (Council). July 7, 2014 First joint Council meeting with VISN 9 & Mountain Home VA Healthcare System Executives July 15, 2014 First meeting with Director Charlene Ehret et al New VISN 9 &…

Listen to our Sands Veterans about Readjustment and Peer Support

Yesterday our future council leaders were absolutely great during Randall Baxter’s, “The Veteran Next Door,” radio program.  Thank you, Randy, for allowing our young veterans to reach out to other Sands veterans. Adam Deffinger (OEF/OIF, Marine vet) Robert Cooter (Desert Storm, Navy vet), Don Davis (Vietnam vet) and Ed Junod (Vietnam vet) participated in Randy’s…

East TN Veterans Treatment Court Mentor Orientation this week in Knoxville

PRESS RELEASE Event Date: April 9-10, 2015 Contact: Ed Junod 865-336-2624 ‘LEAVE NO VETERAN BEHIND’ IS MISSION OF VETERAN TREATMENT COURTS AND MENTORS “I’ve got your back.” It’s the promise of one soldier to another, and returning home from combat doesn’t change that commitment. Too see the depths of such loyalty, you need only…