San Diego VA trial to test cannabidiol—a compound derived from cannabis—for PTSD

Researchers at the VA San Diego Healthcare System aim to see whether cannabidiol, or CBD—a compound derived from cannabis plants—can help ease PTSD. The study will give CBD as an add-on to prolonged exposure therapy, a proven psychotherapy for PTSD. The $1.3 million VA-funded study will enroll 136 Veterans, from all service eras. Click here to view…

Transformation Haven Ministries enrolls in Veteran/Military Friendly Ministry

January 23, 2019 Transformation Haven Ministries Founder Selena Rider and six current residence attended Vet To Vet Tennessee’s (VTVT) officer meeting to present the Transformation Haven Ministries’ (THM) mission.    “A safe haven for women who battle addictions” in Monroe County Tennessee.  The THM mission is to maintain a 12-month discipleship program where women will live…