A new Vet to Vet in Tennessee coming November 10, 2015
Where? Do you know where the next county Vet to Vet Chapter will be? Please leave us a message below and look for some more clues as we get closer to 11-10-15!
Where? Do you know where the next county Vet to Vet Chapter will be? Please leave us a message below and look for some more clues as we get closer to 11-10-15!
Knoxville Regional Veterans Mental Health Council Vet to Vet Middle Tennessee Hosted by Craft Memorial UMC* and presented by Vet to Vet Middle TN 907 Hatcher Lane, Columbia, Tennessee October 24, 2015 0800 -1100
Vet 2 Vet held PTSD Awareness Intervention Resolution Training on Friday and Saturday 09/11-09/12/15 at Christ United Methodist Church in Franklin. This class is designed to help law enforcement recognize and know how to deal with people with PTSD.
Scores of East Tennesseans turned out Wednesday night to welcome back veterans who defended the country’s freedoms in three wars, capping an emotional one-day trip to Washington, D.C. The Central High School band played at McGhee Tyson Airport, greeters waved flags and people old and young stood and cheered as the more than 100 veterans of World War…