On March 12, 2025 Monroe County Veterans Court Judge Dwayne Thomas held the first commencement ceremony in 2025 in his courtroom. Monroe County Mayor Mitch Ingram, Monroe County Assistant Mayor Stacy Chambers, and Monroe County Veterans Service Officer Andy Boyd and McNabb Military Service Center Therapist Lou Danner were present.
A new milestone for the Monroe County Veterans Court was achieved when eight justice-involved Veterans graduated. This is the largest graduation number in ten years. Three new Vet to Vet Tennessee Mentors had their first JIVs graduating. The new mentors are, Roxy Hurley, Ronny Collee, and Johnny McKinley
Justice-involved Veterans Branch of Service Mentor Jurisdiction
Jeremy Lee Barton Army Reserve JD Phillips Monroe
Chelysa White Army Reserve Gail Evans Monroe
Derek Sohmer Air Force Michael McGrail Monroe
John Stallcup Navy Ronny Collee* Monroe
Melissa Starkey US Marine Corps Tom Hatley Monroe
Dennis Abernathy Army/Air Force Ted Carter Monroe
Zachary R. Scott US Marine Corps Johnny McKinley* Mc Minn
Ryan Hammers Army Roxe Hurley* McMinn
Click here to view the graduates and mentors. We are grateful to the justice-involved Veterans, Monroe County Mayor, Judge, Veterans Service Officer, McNabb Military Services Center and Vet Tennessee’s mentors and mentor coordinators. God bless America.