January 9, 2018 Washington County Tennessee
The beginning of the year was very special to Washington County Navy Vietnam Veteran Thomas McGuire. Tom was the first justice involved veteran to graduate from the 10th Judicial District Veterans Court which allowed Tom to be placed in the 1st Judicial District Mental Health diversion program. Which means Tom’s charges will be dismissed and his record expungement.
Tom was extremely relieved after hearing Judge Nidiffer’s verdict. Tom wrote:
“Ed, I would like to express my appreciation for you (Vet to Vet Tennessee), and the 10th Judicial District Veterans Court Judge Thomas and John Chandler at Helen Ross McNabb Military Services Center.
It was invaluable during my case hearings getting the charge drop and the record cleared after my probation I was very please things turned out so well for me and that the Washington county courts was willing to work with me. To allow me this opportunity for judicial diversion. Judge James Nidiffer Sessions Judge took some time with you and that you could establish a connection for the Veterans court program. Also the district attorney and the assistant DA Tony Clark. Semper Fortis.”