Click here for more details and schedules (865) 545-4592, Ext. 4259
Mental Health Specialty Therapy Services
1. Skill-Buidling Classes
2. Brief Individual Counseling
3. Family and Couples Counseling
4. Peer Support Services
Other VA Treatment Programs
1. Legacy Peer Support Group (LPG)
2.Vet Center
3.Tele-Mental Health Counseling
4. Pain Education Class
5. Substance Abuse Tele-Mental Health Classes
6. Residential Intensive PTSD Programs
7. Mental Health Intensive Case Management
Treatment Classes
1. Aggression Management
2. Relaxation and Mindfulness
3. Posttraumatic Stress Group
4. Support and Family Education (SAFE)
Peer Support Group
1.Veterans of the Sand
2. Targerting Strengths, Debunking Myths
3. WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) Group
4. LGBT and Allies Veterans Group/Peer Support