October 4-8, 2017 Knoxville Tennessee
October 7, 2016, 16 volunteers from Maryville TN AMVETS Post 22 and V2VT arrived at the “The Wall That Heals.” We were greeted and trained by Vietnam Veteran, Knox County Director Veterans & Senior Services and brother Buzz Buswell. At the end of our tour, Don Smith, VVA Knoxville #1078 thanked the team for their participation. Buzz and Don have provided all of us with an experience we will never forget. Hooah, Oorah!
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V2VT volunteers: Barry Rummell, Butch Cooper, Ed Junod, Bill Shero, Jesse Rivera, Melvin Oggs, Ron Hutson and Vern Vargo. Freddie Owens has been to the exhibit since it arrived on Wednesday.
The name of the replica is true. Not only for the visitors but especially for the volunteers who had hours to learn more about their experiences and devotion to the US.
Here is the link to some of the photos taken yesterday: https://photos.app.goo.gl/HUfUccJzL3VYt6Yt1
This traveling replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is much lighter and half the size of the original monument in Washington, D.C. But veterans say the 58,318 names of the fallen inscribed on this “Wall That Heals” hold the same healing power.
This wall, made of 24 panels of aircraft aluminum, will stand in Lynnhurst Cemetery, 2300 Adair Drive, through Sunday. The wall is open 24 hours daily from 6 p.m. Oct. 4 until 4 p.m. Oct. 8 at the cemetery next to Berry Lynnhurst Funeral Home. Admission’s free. At night, the wall will be lighted. Local veterans and other organizations will keep vigil and provide information to visitors.