On July 30, 2015 the East Tennessee Veterans Treatment Court Committee presented our Council’s PAIR (PTSD Awareness, Intervention, Resolution) training in Monroe County TN thanks to the hard work of Judge Dwayne Thomas, Sheriff Tommy Jones, Bob Hatley and Randy Scott who scheduled yesterday’s event.
Monroe County Sheriff Tommy Jones attended and requested that our Council provided our PAIR program for IN SERVICE training for the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff Jones asked for maybe an all day sessions. Details to follow.
We identified a new veteran outreach opportunity: Monroe County DAV #93 Commander Jimmy Dean Cranfill and the Sweetwater VFW Post 5156 Commander-in-Chief Robert Brooks attended the training for the first time.. At the end of the training they told us they learned a lot. We suggested we present the training to their members. Each Commander agreed and believed it is a great outreach and training session especially to help identify the Sands Veterans. Commander Cranfill tentatively scheduled the training for November 2015 and Commander Brooks we share our program with his POST.
Dennis Lovin was our co-presenter, Bob Hatley, Randy Scott were the organizers and Taylor Thomas (Judge Thomas’s father and VTC mentor) also participated. Adam Deffinger and Robert Cooter attended their first PAIR session together and were great. Several of our Monroe County VTC mentors are ready to participate in future sessions.
The program is dedicated to the memories of two of our wounded warriors:
Theodore “TJ” Jones, IV. 27 year old decorated Marine died on March 21, 2013 (left)
Matthew Roy Leinart, 34 year old decorated Army Ranger died on February 27, 2015 (right)
If you would like to register for a future training program please click here to read the program requirements and register. Or if you prefer complete the form below or call us at 865-336-2624. Almost 900 trained in a little more than 1 year!