Monroe County Veterans Court, Madisonville, Tennessee
A high risk suicidal justice involved veteran graduate gives thanks to God, Monroe County Veterans Court Judge Thomas, Helen Ross McNabb Military Services Center Clinical Therapist Tony Weaver, VA Knoxville Outpatient Clinic Debbie Cohan & Christy Cook, Vet to Vet Tennessee (VTVT) mentors and Pastor Chris Moore, First Baptist Church of Madisonville for saving his life.
Robert retired from the US Air Force after 20 years and 9 months of honorable service and is a past VFW Post Commander. Robert entered the program on January 25, 2018 and needed much more than legal help.
[read more=”Click here to Read More” less=”Read Less”] During Robert’s intake, VTVT realized that he needed immediate professional help. Help that couldn’t wait. Before finishing the intake, VTVT took Robert to see VA Suicide Prevention Coordinator Debbie Cohan. One comment Robert repeated said was “I am tired of hurting.”
McNabb’s Clinical Therapist Tony Weaver summed up Robert’s status in a email he sent to VTVT.
“I am very excited to inform you that R.B. has completed the goals of his treatment plan at Helen Ross McNabb Military Services. Since admittance into this program the transformation R.B. has undergone has been incredibly awe-inspiring if not, nothing short of a miraculous turn around.
During his intake, I heart-wrenchingly listened to R.B.’s words as they reflected absolute and utter hopelessness and dejection. Hearing him talk, his future outlook was one of the bleakest I had ever heard. His final words to me that day before slowly exiting my office captured the very essence of his mind as he reported, “I’m tired of hurting. This is something nobody can fix; I’m stuck with it.” R.B. added, “I don’t think this (treatment) will work . . . but I am willing to try.” I am so very glad he tried.
After much effort, time, and extremely painful processing, R.B. now reports that he has found “genuine happiness” and that, “Everything is so joyful.” I attribute this dramatic transformation to his new-found faith in God, the patient yet persistent work of Veteran’s Affair’s therapist Christy Cook, and the work R.B. has completed in this program. His travels have just begun down this new pathway but I am nonetheless, convinced his best days are yet ahead of him.”
During the ceremony, Robert thanked everyone especially God for saving his life. He said his life dramatically changed when he volunteered at VTVT’s Expungement Clinic hosted Veteran/Military Friendly Congregation First Baptist Church of Madisonville as he worked alongside of Pastor Moore.
God bless you Robert! Thanks for the hard work and for living.
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