Elmcroft Senior Living Centers October 9, 2014
ATTN: David Grady, Regional Director of Operations
Mr. Grady,
On Behalf of the Knoxville Regional Veterans Mental Health Council, Vet o Vet Tennessee, and the Legacy Peer Support Group we want to thank you and especially the staff at the Elmcroft of West Knoxville, 8024 Gleason Dr., Knoxville, TN for the assistance they’ve provided to area veterans. Over two years ago the VA Knoxville Clinic no longer had meeting space available for veterans who completed recovery programs due to physical constraints with the Clinic. This issue was televised when veteran s complained and a nurse and administrators at Elmcroft responded with help. They offered us facility space, and our first meeting was held on June 25, 2012he majority of our members are Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraqi and Afghan veterans, but we’ve also had attendees who served in World War II and Korea. We’ve gladly welcomed Elmcroft residents into our meetings who also share the experience of having served in the military. The reception and support the Elmcroft administrators and staff provide is nothing short of fantastic.
Last year we were asked to provide a military service to “retire” the U.S. flag in front of the facility. On September 9, 2013 we lowered the damaged flag, burned it in a ceremony at the base of the flagpole, and raised the new flag to its place of honor.
We planted a memorial ornamental tree and plaque for the deceased son of one of our members in the entrance garden.
Last month, on September 19, 2014, we had the privilege to recognize a new Elmcroft resident who is a WW II veteran and was a German prisoner-of-war (POW). September 19th was National POW/MIA Recognition Day. We dedicated and raised a new POW Flag in a service that was attended by many veterans, County officials and Elmcroft residents.
“If you want to know what FREEDOM means, ask a prisoner of war…. I am proud to live in a country that has freedom.
I appreciate what you are doing but I don’t feel that I deserve all of this attention. All gave some, some gave all. The ones that made the ultimate sacrifice all the ones that deserve the honor.
Don’t ever take Freedom for granted. Freedom is not free. God bless the USA and God bless America. I am proud to be an American.” WWII POW and Elmcroft resident Robert William Chadwick 9-29-14
Those we would especially like to recognize are:
Kristy Ritch Jenna Conforti Dawn Crump
Rebecca Swingle Lisa Ellis Robert Cover
David McClure Lesley Hilton-Young Pat Anderson
Zoe Ammons
The aides, housekeeping and other support staff whose names we don’t have, but are also so supportive of our members and your residents and guests.
You have a staff that takes great pride and care in what they do, and reflects very positively in the mission and operation of the Elmcroft organization. Thank you,
Edouard P. Junod Freddie Owens
Council Chair Council Vice Chair
Frank Vollmer Ron Morton
Council Secretary Council Chaplain & Parliamentarian
Thank you so much for your gracious words. We are so pleased to have you all apart of our Elmcroft family too!
It’s been a great working partnership and we look forward to continuing to serve the Knoxville community together.
Lisa Ellis
Marketing Coordinator
Elmcroft Senior Living
8024 Gleason Dr. 37922
Off: 865.690.3550, cell:865.719.4690
Ed, feelings are mutual. We are delighted to have you in our building. Your warm smiling faces add to our “Elmcroft spirit.” Thanks for including our vets here in enriching their lives also.
Pat Anderson
Healthy Life Styles Director
Elmcroft of West Knoxville, TN 37919
Phone 865-690-3550 cell 865-924-1951
Fax 865-690-7754
I hope you and your group realize how much the staff and resident’s appreciate you all!!
Everyone is so kind to stop and speak to every resident they pass in the hallways. It warms my heart to see the Veterans knocking on resident’s door to help them to the dining room. They love the vistis and smiles.
Rebecca Swingle
Elmcroft of West Knoxville, Community Relations Director
8024 Gleason Drive, Knoxville, TN, 37919
Cell 865.719.1173 l Office 865.690.3550 l Fax 865.690.7754