The Monroe County BUZZ on Wednesday, September 7, 2022, accepts special recognition from Vet to Vet Tennessee, President Ed Junod presenting Lucas Boring with a Joseph “JL” Tucker Memorial Award following proceeding of Monroe County Veterans Court for “exceptional passion and tremendous hard work to help the Knoxville Regional Veterans Mental Health Council and Vet to Vet Tennessee help military veterans and their families overcome adversity. Your contribution to the health and welfare of those who serve our nation, and their families is a special gift.” Veterans Court was founded in Monroe County in 2014. Through its mentor-driven work with justice-involved veterans, it maintains a one percent recidivism rate, with 99 percent of its graduates never appearing before a judge again. Pictured from left, Junod, Veterans Court Judge Dwaine Thomas, Thomas Boring, vet court graduates Sky Perry and Chris Landry, mentor and prior graduate JD Phillips, Vet to Vet Tennessee Vice President Randall Scott, vet court graduate Daniel McCauley, Monroe County Veterans Service Officer Andy Boyd, Vice County Mayor and Director of Solid Waste Stacy Chambers, and Monroe County Mayor Mitch Ingram.