July 13, 2015 the Westmoreland Health and Rehabilitation Center located at 5837 Lyons View Pike, Knoxville, TN and Legacy Peer Support Group (LPG) gathered at the facility at 11:30am to retire the old flag and install a new 20″ flag pole and two new flags; the American and POW.
A Vietnam Veteran and a member of LPG, Michael Harter, had the idea to help honor the Veteran residents of the Center with a new flag pole and flags. Turns out Michael’s niece, Kelli Canan works at the Center as the Director of Marketing and PR for the Center.
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We would like to thank Kelli and the Center for installing the pole and thank LPG members, Michael Harter, Freddie Owens, Bob Hatley, Howard Jenkins, John Steward, Ken Dunbar, Jessie Rivera, Patrick Weir, Mike Farina and Ed Junod for presenting the colors.
After the ceremony all the Veterans went inside to meet each other. It was such a honor and a privilege to have meet these great humble World War II heroes; paratroopers, PT boat Sailor, Merchant Marine, paratrooper, artillery who were humbled to tell their stories.
As an added treat the resident Veterans heard a 1950 rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton. Wow! Did that bring back fond memories.
Click here to learn more about the the Center.