
Monroe County financially supports Vet to Vet TN

September 6, 2017 Madisonville, Tennessee Monroe County has been innovative and substantial partners of Vet to Vet Tennessee (V2VT) for almost three years.  V2VT and Judge Dwaine B. Thomas have been developing a Veterans Court since October 2014 and opened the court to the first justice involved veterans on January 14, 2015. [read more=”Click here…

AMVETS Post #22 Joins Council

September 3, 2017 Maryville, Tennessee The Sgt. Michael H. Ferschke, Jr  AMVETS Post 22 (Post) is one of the newest post in Tennessee, yet it is one of the most active and productive veterans service organization. On September 1, 2017 the Knoxville Regional Veterans Mental Health Council acknowledged the extraordinary work and dedication of the…

New Celebrate Recovery in McMinn County

September 3, 2017 Englewood, TN The Englewood Church of God kicked off their inaugural Celebrate Recovery(CR) program Sunday evening.   This the third CR in the Tenth Judicial District in Tennessee and the first in McMinn County. Senior pastor support from Englewood Church of God’s Pastor Scott and inspired by CR Ministry Leader Starlit Johnson, the…

V2VT Vietnam War Commemoration Event in Tellico Plains

September 2, 2017 Tellico Plains, Tennessee V13ION and Vet to Vet Tennessee (V2VT) collaborated again for the 7th annual V13ION bike ride in Tellico Plains, TN in honor of Chubbs Lambert.  The annual event offered hope, provide Training, eliminate stigma, raise awareness and most importantly SAVE LIVES… Go to V13ION’s Facebook for more information: Chuck…