Vet to Vet Tennessee,
“Thank you so much for assisting us in awarding my brother the Korean Ambassador for Peace Medal. My son-in-law, George Barajaz (USAF Lt Col Ret) assisted us in presenting the medal this past Memorial Day weekend with 3 generations of family in attendance. It was a touching ceremony and a great way to honor his service. I have included a few pictures for you to enjoy. I can’t tell you how much this meant to our entire family.” Wanda Dean
Vet to Vet Tennessee is a proud partner with the Minister, Patriots and Veterans Affairs, Republic of Korea and are honored to recognize James Ray Cox as a proud American hero. [read more=”Click here to Read More” less=”Read Less“]
To be eligible, the veteran must have served in country during Korean War from June 25, 1950 to July 27, 1953. It is also available for the veterans who have participated in the UN peacekeeping operations until the end of 1955.
To apply online, please complete the form below and attach a copy of your DD 214. We’ll process your online application in 48 hours. Thanks for your service.