June 14, 2017 Knoxville, Tennessee
The Mountain Home VAMC and all of their clinics now have a primary care patient information booklet available to all veterans. The booklets are being distributed during the orientation for new veterans, however, very few current veterans were aware of the booklet until Freddie Owens discovered the booklet from his Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) clerk. A PACT team is a team-based model of care led by a primary care provider (PCP) who enables continuous and coordinated care throughout a patient’s health care needs or appropriately coordinating care with other qualified professional, led by a PCP, works collaboratively with the patient to plan their overall health care.
The booklet is filled with valuable information including contact numbers. We recommend to all veterans that they obtain this booklet. The booklets are available at Mountain Home VAMC, Knoxville Outpatient Clinic, and Bristol/Campbell Co (LaFollette)/ Morristown/Norton/Rogersville/Sevierville Community Based Outpatient Clinics.
The booklet contains information about clinic appointments, Co-managed care,transportation, hospital services, non-VA emergency room visits and hospitalizations, patient rights and responsibilities, My HealteVet, Pharmacy, health information programs, pain management, suicide prevention, social work services, domiciliary, women’s clinic, eye clinic services, instructions for lab work, contact information and locations.
The VA has the booklets available NOW! So please go to the VA and retrieve yours! Or you can click here to view and/or download.the current version. The contact information is updated by the VA as necessary so some of the numbers may have changed. To eliminate outdated information, the VA is creating a booklet link.
Thanks to the support of KOPC’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Andrew Sexton, the orientation workbook will be posted on the MHVAHCS website in the near future. We’ll let you know when the post is available.
Click here to download the important contact numbers. In the meantime, please make sure you get yours and make sure you tell other veterans.