Cole Kirkland, a 12 year old 7th Grader from Rule Vale Elementary School, Tellico Plains, Tennessee was challenged to do a summer mission project by his River of Life Ministries‘ Youth leaders, Nate and Bretta Wright.
Cole decided to set up a lemonade stand with the proceeds going to the Monroe County Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Post #93. Cole asked for help from his school friend Kyle Duckworth. Kyle is a 7th grade Rule Vale Elementary School student and member of Epperson Presbyterian Church in Coker Creek Tennessee. [read more=”Click here to Read More” less=”Read Less“]
On Monday July 30, 2018, Cole gave Taylor Thomas, DAV Post #93 member, an envelope with $600.00 cash. Thanks to Cole & Kyle for the hard work and thoughtfulness for caring about our American Veterans. And a special thank you to Betta and Nate for encouraging Cole to “Do Something” for someone else.
Congratulations Kyle & Cole! [/read]