Nick is one of the many reasons we are so proud to serve as Veteran Treatment Court Mentors!
“For me, the battle began when I came home. Judge Patricia Marks and the Rochester Veterans Treatment Court team saved my life.”
Graduated from Rochester NY VTC
Click to view the VTC Mentor Handbook 2015 (which is begins on page 90 of the VTC Policy and Procedures Manual) before you apply to make sure you can meet the Mentor requirements. If you can meet the requirements and are still interested please complete the VTC Mentor application and submit it to your Mentor Coordinator. Mentors are from Knox County but several are from Anderson, Bradley, Blount, Cocke, Fentress, Grainger, Jefferson, Loudon, Monroe, McMinn, Polk, Sevier counties which are identifying mentors in future counties.
If you are interested in becoming a VTC mentor please Visit a Mentor Veterans Treatment Court for FREE but limited or contact the East Tennessee Veterans Treatment Court Committee at 865-336-2624 or complete the form below.Important note:
The East Tennessee Veterans Treatment Court Committee has confirmed from the feedback from three Veteran Treatment Court Mentor 2 day training events (whether called a Boot Camp or Orientation) is the training is more of an introduction to the VTC program is more of an introduction to the VTC program and not a intensive boot camp or
trained mentor entering orientation. The Veteran mentors need much more training to be able to mentor a
Justice Involved Veteran. Our program provides additional online training and
OJT (on the job) training to assure we have the best trained mentors to serve our brothers and sisters
The Justice For Vets Mentor Corps Boot Camp Training - Now Available On Demand
It is critical that volunteer mentors in Veterans Treatment Court receive training on how to effectively and responsibly mentor program participants.
The two-day Justice For Vets Mentor Corps Boot
Camp provides critical training for Volunteer Veteran Mentors wanting to
be of service and assistance to their fellow veterans. During the
Mentor Corps Boot Camp, volunteer veterans will learn how to effectively
mentor struggling veterans participating in a Veterans Treatment Court.
Course-work includes examining the roles, responsibilities and
boundaries of veteran mentors; the unique issues facing combat veterans;
and how to swiftly connect mentee veterans to the local, state and
national services and benefits they have earned.
For Vets is honored to offer our Mentor Corps Boot Camp to individual
jurisdictions or states. We will work with you to develop a training
that fits your budget and meets your needs.